How to Uninstall Programs on Mac Computers and PC (Step by Step)
How to Install the Programs in Mac Computers
In this article, you will have a look at how to uninstall programs on Mac Computers and PC.
You will be uninstalling programs by putting them in a given trash bin.
You may as well complete the uninstallation process if the application is coming with its uninstaller.
All you will require in running the uninstaller program. The use of Launchpad will uninstall the apps installed using the App Store.
Materials for Uninstalling Programs on PC and Mac Computers
- PC
- Uninstaller software
Step by Step Process of Uninstalling Programs in PC and Mac Computers. The process is including:
Use of trash
- Opening the Finder
- need to click on the Finder application, which is resembling the blue face.
- Clicking on applications. It is a folder present on the left side present in the finder window
- Finding the program that you wish uninstalling. You will scroll through the programs present up to when you end up finding the icon representing the program you want to remove.
In case the program is present in the inside of the folder, you will require to double click on the folder.
You will end up opening and looking for the uninstaller application.
In case you get the uninstaller application, the next thing will be skipping to the next section.
- You are selecting the icon representing programs. The clicking of the program’s icon will take place immediately after selecting it.
- You are clicking on the file. It is a menu item present on the screen top-left corner. Performing the procedure will end up prompting the drop-down menu. You will be dragging the program towards the trash bin and thus end up having a quick shortcut. Through going to the Applications folder, there is a need for selecting the application you wish uninstalling using the computer system. Afterward, you will end up dragging it to the present trash.
- Click on the moving trash. You will get the icon near the most bottom part of the file. It will be present on the drop-down menu
You will end up pressing on delete+command present on Mac’s keyboard. There is a necessity of sending the file to the trash present.
- Clicking and holding on the trash icon. The trash icon is present on the Mac’s Dock. When to do the holding, the pop-up menu will end up appearing fur above the present trash icon.
- The clicking of Empty Trash. It is present on the pop-up menu. By doing so, you will end up deleting the trash’s contents. It will be including also the program which you will have just sent to the dumpster. Besides, the program will no more be installed on the Mac.
Warning while Uninstalling a Program from PC
When uninstalling a program, the main thing to consider is whether you will need the program in the future.
If you will need the program in the future, uninstalling the application is not the most appropriate solution.

You now have all the information you need while uninstalling a program from a Mac computer or a PC. Therefore, there is nothing to stop you anymore from uninstalling the unuseful programs.