How to remove stains from bathtub Overview
Do you often imagine yourself having a long, relaxing bath after a long day, but the state of your bathtub is not so relaxing nor a pleasant view?!
One thing all bathtubs have in common is that they collect an enormous amount of unpleasant stains and you wonder how to remove stains from a bathtub?
Luckily, there are ways to remove that mildew, soap residue, and grim and enjoy the beautiful scent of your bath bomb, once again.
Homemade and natural stain removers are a perfect way to clean your bathtub without having to inhale the toxic smell of that store-bought stain remover.

Materials needed for this project
Depending on the type of a cleaning you’re about to do, here’s what you’ll need:
• White vinegar (for cleaner bathtub and water stains)
• Baking soda (for mildew)
• Hydrogen peroxide and baking soda paste (for tough stains)
• Borax powder and lemon (for rust stains)
How to do this job
Make your bathtub shiny again
1. Make a solution of part water and part white vinegar
2. Put it in a spray bottle and spray all over your bathtub
3. Let it sit for about 15 minutes
4. Rinse with water and enjoy the shine
Remove water stains
1. Spray your paper towels with white vinegar
2. Apply paper towels onto the stains
3. Let it sit for about half an hour
4. Scrub and rinse
5. Repeat if necessary
For a bit, more robust stains like mildew:
1. Generously sprinkle baking soda all over your bathtub and then spray your water and vinegar solution over it (if you have kids, the chemical reaction while spraying will be fun to watch)
2. Let it sit for about 15 minutes
3. Scrub your bathtub, and you’ll notice a paste forming
4. Let it sit again and rinse after about 30 minutes
If your stains still won’t come off:
1. Take one part hydrogen peroxide and two parts baking soda
2. Apply the paste onto the stains
3. Let it sit for about an hour and rinse
4. Repeat if it didn’t help the first time
If you have rust all over your bathtub, the cleaning process will look like this:
1. Use borax powder to sprinkle the stains
2. Cut your lemon in half and rub the borax until you see a paste forming
3. Let the paste sit for about 30 minutes and rinse
Additional tips:
If you want to avoid scratching the surface, you will need to be careful not to use abrasive brushes and steel wool.
Use gloves at all times to save your skin and nails and wear your ��cleaning’ clothes because some of the products, like hydrogen peroxide, might discolor fabrics.

Using these methods every once in a while will make your bathtub generally cleaner, and hard and stubborn stains won’t get the chance to make their appearance.
Each time you’re in the shower, take a minute to wipe down your bathtub.
That way, you will prevent hard stains from appearing, and ultimately, you won’t have to put a lot of effort into unnecessary cleaning.