How to keep clothes looking new Overview
Keeping clothes looking new can be a daunting task, particularly dresses and suits. To get the most out of your wardrobe, you need to turn to wash machines. Modern washers are made with many settings for different kinds of fabrics.

When you buy a garment, it looks perfect because it is brand new. However, after wearing the dress several times or going through the wash, some clothes will start to lose their natural look and shine. You can keep your clothing in excellent shape by following these easy steps on how to keep clothes looking new:
Take care of stains as soon as possible
We tend to wait too long before we clean our clothes which causes them to wear out fast from constant laundering. When you have a spill or a stain, you have to be proactive and clean it as quickly as possible. The reason is the longer a spot stays on your clothes, the deeper it will set in.
Once you notice a stain, dampen the area with water to prevent the fabric from absorbing any more dirt or oil from the spill.
Then use a mild detergent and mix it with water before applying it directly onto the stained area. This formula works for most types of stains like grass and blood which may be hard to remove otherwise.
If this does not work well enough, then you can try using an old toothbrush or abrasive sponge to apply pressure on the fabric until all marks disappear completely.

When choosing detergents for sensitive skin make sure that they are the right ones for the job. Different fabrics have different care labels and while cotton can handle a wide range of detergents, delicate clothes need more attention.
Make sure you follow the instructions on how to wash the best.
Choose appropriate combinations of colors
In your wardrobe, you have several items that are made from different fabric blends. This is common in things like suits where fine material would not hold up well on its own. One tip on how to keep clothes looking new is to always let dark colors sit on light colors rather than having them mixed together at all times. If you must mix two items together, make sure they are of contrasting shades so it’s easier to remove stains when they happen.
Wash everything inside out
Washing your clothes inside out is a trick most people use to retain the color of their clothing. It’s also good for how to keep clothes looking new because it prevents them from catching on to other articles during the wash cycle. Washing everything right side out requires you to pay more attention to all sorts of items in your wardrobe, not just dresses and suits. You can still wear jeans with t-shirts but remember that they should be washed separately at least sometimes.
Only dry clothes when necessary
Drying clothes isn’t always necessary unless they are actually wet after laundry day. When you hang up your garments until next time, avoid hanging them together if possible. This will prevent one piece from wearing another out through contact or rubbing against it.
When you take wet clothes out of the dryer, be sure to lay them flat on a towel and move them around so they don’t become wrinkled. Piling up wet clothing will cause creases that are much harder to get rid of when you want to wear them again.
Use pillows cases instead of plastic bags
Plastic covers like pillowcases feel far more comfortable for fabrics than any kind of bag because they breathe much easier. Plastic does not allow air movement at all which causes moisture to form, especially if your room is humid or very hot. You can also fade your colors faster when storing them in bags even if it’s only for a few days.
This is particularly true when you keep them right next to more valuable garments that need special care.
- Materials or Products required for this job.
clothes, water, detergent, toothbrush, sponge, towels
- How to do this job ( step by step) without missing any step.
1.) Dampen the spot with water
2.) Mix up some laundry detergent and apply it to the stain
3.) Use a toothbrush or abrasive sponge to scrub until all marks are gone
4.) Let clothes dry flat with no creases
5.) Store clothes in pillowcases instead of plastic bags
6.) Hang your clothes up rather than storing them away
7.) Wash colors separately
8.) Only dry clothes when necessary
9). Use gentle shampoo/detergents
10.) Take care of stains when they happen
- Make sure to include some important tips, tricks, and warnings if any about the job after step by step guide.
Pilling Plastic does not allow air movement at all which causes moisture to form, especially if your room is humid or very hot.
Be gentle with certain fabrics like silk, satin, lace, stretchy clothes, leather…etc. Use only soft shampoo for delicate clothes. Wash them inside out to retain color and prevent other articles from getting caught on them during the wash cycle.
Store your clothes in pillowcases instead of plastic bags which will make them breathe more naturally and feel much better against your skin while preventing creases from forming on the fabric when you pull it out later.
Drying your clothes when they’re only slightly damp will cause mildew to grow and the harmful bacteria could ruin them further. Only dry clothes when absolutely necessary because they will fade colors faster, wear out certain fabrics like cotton, linen, and denim…etc.
Letting dark colors sit on light colors rather than mixing them together prevents color loss and keeps clothing looking new for longer. Use pillowcases instead of plastic bags to keep your fabrics from getting dusty or catching dust mites that can really damage delicate materials like silk, satin, lace…etc.
Don’t hang up wet clothes because creases form which are much harder to get rid of when you want to wear them again. Hang your clothes up flat on a towel and move them around so they don’t become wrinkled.
When taking wet clothes out of the dryer, be sure to lay them flat on a towel and move them around so they don’t become wrinkled. Also make sure you use gentle detergents for delicate fabrics like silk, satin…etc. Hang them inside out to retain color and prevent other articles from getting caught onto it during the wash cycle.
Always use pillowcases to store your clothes in and try to let them breathe whenever possible.
Clothes will last longer if washed gently, with the correct detergents, and hung up flat on a towel to prevent wrinkles.

Take care of stains as soon as they happen so you can prevent ruining your garments completely. Keep this guide in mind whenever you’re washing or drying your clothing for the best results.