How to Grill Salmon (Step by Step)

How to grill salmon Overview

The thick, juicy slice of salmon will add a different and varied flavor to your backyard if grilled.

The next time you have friends, why not surprise them with grilled salmon instead of boring chunks of beef and chicken?

Here are how to grill salmon

How to Grill Salmon

1.Prepare the fish

Before you can get close to the grill, prepare the fish first. That is an important step, although it is often overlooked.

Many people I know take the fish out of the freezer, add a random marinade, keep it in the fridge for about 10 minutes, and then complain about the poor quality of the final product.

Salmon is delicious meat. You can season it with salt, pepper, and olive oil. I also prefer to add a little garlic and thyme.

Salmon works well with seasonings with a slightly oriental touch. One of my favorite pickles contains three tablespoons of olive oil, two tablespoons of Dijon mustard, a little garlic, a piece of ginger, and a little olive oil, about 3-4 tablespoons.

Mix thoroughly and put in the refrigerator for at least 30 minutes.

As a personal preference, I love preserving the skin that gives the steak a nice crisp texture. Of course, it can remove the skin and will not affect the taste of the fish at all.

The type of seasoning you choose depends on your taste. There are many grilled salmon recipes on the Internet. This article is about the grill.

2. Preheat the grill

You will need to preheat the grill to a medium temperature before you start roasting.

On a gas grill, this translates to approximately 300-325 degrees.

How to Grill Salmon (Step by Step)

Be very careful when you check the grill by your hand

Once you figure out that the grill is hot or medium hot, you can process to the cooking phase.

With olive oil, sprinkle a few drops on the grill and the fish as well. I know it’s not healthy, but the last thing I want is to destroy the steak due to a lack of oil.

Lubricating fish is better than grilling it, although the result won’t change much if you choose otherwise.

3. Grilling

Salmon, like all fish, cooks very quickly. It will usually take approximately 4 – 12 minutes for each salmon slide to cook in a rare medium.

Stick a little olive oil on the steak before putting it on the grill. Salmon doesn’t need a lot of scabs.

Cover the grill with the lid, set the timer for 4 minutes, and have a drink.

Once the time is up, come the meat and cover it again for another 4 minutes.

When finished, check to see if the salmon is made by inserting a fork through it.

The fork should slide without the meat falling off. Usually, the meat should be a little raw in the center.

Don’t serve salmon right away; leave it for 10 minutes. That will ensure that the salmon is well cooked.

Sprinkle two drops of olive oil and some thyme and serve along with the mashed potatoes.

How to Grill Salmon (Step by Step) easy

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