How to get tlc wheelchair plates in NYC (step by step)
Every vehicle in New York City is required to have a license plate. However, wheelchair-accessible vehicles are exempt from this law.
This exemption allows owners of handicapped-accessible cars to get license plates that read “TLC”. This abbreviation stands for “Taxi and Limousine Commission”, the board that owns these plates.

This article will walk you through the steps of getting your vehicle a TLC license plate.
Materials or products required for this job: car, driver’s license, wheelchair accessible van tags, and a copy of the registration card
How to do this job step by step without missing any step:
- Find out if your van is handicap accessible by calling or visiting a local government agency that gives out handicap licenses plates. If it does, get the van inspected and label it with tags.
- Visit any TLC licensing office and present your documents and tags. You will also need to fill out two forms: an Application for License Plate and an Application for Permit (available at TLC offices).
- Pay the state for a yearly permit and registration fee (available at TLC offices).
- Usually, there is an administration fee of $25 to deliver your plates and paperwork to your local DMV office and get them registered in the city’s computer system (available at TLC offices).
- Return to the DMV and get your plates registered.
- You must then pay a yearly renewal fee in order to keep license plates valid.
There are currently 2 types of For-Hire Vehicle License: medallion and commuter van. The information below covers how to get a For-Hire Vehicle License, also referred to by the TLC as a TLC Wheelchair Accessible Vehicle License.
In order to get a For-Hire Vehicle License, you must be approved by the Taxi and Limousine Commission (TLC). You can apply for a medallion or commuter van wheelchair-accessible vehicle license via NYC Open Data, the City’s free data portal. Under Services & Industries,>Vehicles & For Hire>Licensed Vehicles click on Apply for a Vehicle License.

Step 1: General Information
This section will tell you the requirements before you can be approved, the money required to apply, and where to submit your application.
- You must have a valid NYS driver license or chauffeur’s license (for medallion applicants only; you may be asked to show your license card).
- You must not have more than one violation of NYC Traffic Rules within the last 18 months (for both types of For-Hire Vehicle License).
- You must be an able bodied person (medallion applicants only).
For-hire drivers applying for a For-Hire Vehicle License will be required to pay an application fee of $25.00, as well as $30.00 if the TLC makes you take a road test and $70.00 per plate (medallion) or commuter van.
Additionally, there is a $40.00 fee per vehicle for commuter van plates and $60.00 per vehicle if the applicant wishes to receive a license with an expiration date that is not the same as his or her driver’s license (medallion applicants only).
Mail your application with a money order payable to TLC, along with photocopies of your driver’s license and a copy of a U.S. map, to the Taxi and Limousine Commission, 99-55 Queens Blvd., Kew Gardens, NY 11424.
Step 2: TLC License Application Review
This section will tell you what happens after you submit all your documents, who reviews them, how long it takes, and what you will be asked to bring in.
After you send your application the TLC will review it to ensure that all requirements are met. You can track the status of your application online via NYC Open Data. If the TLC needs additional documents they will contact you within 21 days.
You may be asked to bring in your driver’s license, vehicle registration card, and proof of insurance.
Step 3: TLC Vehicle Inspections
This section will tell you where your vehicle can be inspected for wheelchair accessibility, what to do with the vehicle after an inspection, if your plates are ready, and whether or not you can drive before you get your plates.
After the TLC receives approval on your application, you will be scheduled for a vehicle inspection at one of two temporary inspection garages in Manhattan (133-26 89th Ave.) or Queens (143-02 85th Ave.). Inspections are conducted by appointment only Monday-Friday 8 AM-5 PM. If your vehicle fails the inspection you will have one week to make repairs and bring it back for re-inspection.
After your application is approved, you must wait at least 10 days from the date that the application was approved before you can be issued plates.
Your vehicle cannot leave an inspection garage without a For-Hire Vehicle License plate. The For-Hire Vehicle License plate cannot be transferred to another vehicle.
Step 4: Where to buy the plates
This section will tell you where and how to purchase your plates, what type of plate it is when you can pick them up, and if there are any requirements for installation.
You must go in person with your TLC For-Hire Vehicle License to one of two plate agents or an Automotive Service Excellence (ASE) certified mechanic for installation.
There is no cost to you for the plates, but you will need money for your appointment. The TLC recommends bringing $20-$30 in cash with you, in addition to your vehicle registration card.
The For-Hire Vehicle License plate has a legend of “For Hire Only” on the back, with an expiration date that is not the same as your driver’s license.
The For-Hire Vehicle License plate cannot be transferred to any other vehicle.
You must bring your TLC Driver License or Chauffeur’s License, Vehicle Registration Card, and proof of insurance to your appointment.
Step 5: Summary
This section will summarize all the information that you have just read about TLC license plates.
This is a one-time fee required by The New York City Taxi & Limousine Commission (TLC) in order to drive a vehicle for hire.
After all the steps are completed, please state at least one consumer tip that you would like to include in your article.
Here is an example: Be sure to keep all receipts and records necessary for reimbursement of expenses incurred as a result of using your car for livery services – such as tolls and parking.
In New York City, you can get a permit for your wheelchair or invalid car to drive on the streets as long as you have a valid TLC license. The first step is figuring out what kind of vehicle your specific chair fits into. The second step is going to the TLC office and applying for special TLC Wheelchair License Plates.
Here are all the steps you need to take to get your TLC wheelchair plates:
Step 1: Determine a vehicle code for your chair
The first step is deciding what vehicle code goes with your specific type of wheelchair or invalid car. If you have a power wheelchair, motorized scooter, or NCD, you have to decide which vehicle code goes with it.
To choose your wheelchair’s vehicle code, you need to look at these 3 things:
- The maximum speed of the chair
- The width of the widest outside tire on your chair or invalid car
- Your weight/how much you weigh in your chair or invalid car.
So, for example, the MK-4 code is only allowed for power wheelchairs with a maximum speed of 10 miles per hour and an outside width of 28 inches. The weight limit on this code is 250 pounds. This means that you couldn’t get the MK-4 code if you weigh more than 250 pounds or your wheelchair is wider than 28 inches.
You can find the codes you need by looking at power wheelchairs online or just getting a list of them from an accessible van dealer.
Step 2: Submit an application for TLC Wheelchair Plates
Once you have your code, it’s time to go to the TLC office to apply for your TLC Wheelchair Plates. Make sure you have the following items when you go in:
- Your vehicle code
- A letter stating that you will be using the chair on public streets with a stated date of expiration depending on how long you want to use it
- A letter from your doctor stating that you require a wheelchair or invalid car
- A valid TLC driver’s license, if you have one
- State Issued Identification Card
- Your current vehicle registration copy and a photocopy of the front and back of it
- The TLC Wheelchair Plate fee of $45 and a custom plate fee of $25 (optional)
- The VIN of your chair for the new plates if you don’t want to transfer them from your original set
- A valid TLC license of the powerchair/wheelchair/motorized scooter owner for vehicle identification purposes, such as Quickpick or Senior C&D.
If you don’t have a TLC license, you will need to take all this paperwork to the DMV and get an “Application for Taxi or Limousine Commission License” form filled out by the DMV. You can download this application at .html.
After getting all of this paperwork together and at the TLC office, you will need to fill out the required forms and pay the fee for your wheelchair plates. The application for a TLC Wheelchair License Plate consists of:
1) A vehicle code (provided by you)
2) Application Form,
3) Authorized Medical Examiner’s Certificate,
4) Check or Money Order for the required Wheelchair Plate fee and a check or money order for the Custom Plates fee (if you want them), and
5) A properly endorsed Vehicle Registration. Take all of these forms to the TLC office along with your other paperwork. You will get a temporary paper license until your new plates come in.
TLC Wheelchair Plates will take about a week to come in, so you can use your temporary paper license until then.
Step 3: Get insurance for your vehicle
The next step is getting insurance for your wheelchair or invalid car. You must have liability insurance from a TLC-licensed insurer if you want to drive on New York City streets.
You can call a TLC-licensed insurer, such as Beacon or Encompass, and tell them you want insurance for a “wheelchair accessible vehicle.” They will ask you to mail them your TLC Wheelchair License Plate Application Form, the Temporary Paper License from the DMV, and an Authorized Medical Examiner’s Certificate. Note that you can only use an Authorized Medical Examiner that is approved by the TLC. After getting these items, your insurer will send you a policy and registration certificate and ask you to call them back with the VIN of the vehicle.
Step 4: Get insurance for your powerchair/wheelchair/motorized scooter.
You will need to have insurance for your powerchair/wheelchair/motorized scooter separately in case you are in an accident when the vehicle is being used by someone who does not have a TLC Wheelchair License Plate or Taxi valid license.
The owner of the wheelchair must be covered, too! If you already have insurance for your powerchair/wheelchair/motorized scooter, you will need to call your insurer and advise them that this vehicle is now being used as a Taxi or “For hire” vehicle. You will then be told what documents to send the TLC. A copy of the registration certificate for the powerchair/wheelchair/motorized scooter may be needed, as well. If the vehicle has a VIN number, it should be submitted to the TLC for license purposes.
Step 5: Start driving!
Your wheelchair plates and temporary paper license will have arrived by now. You can take your plates to a local DMV office or mail them back with your registration certificate so that you can get your permanent plates. You will also need to mail the temporary paper license back to the TLC with a letter of explanation so they can cancel it at their end.
Step 6: Check your Insurance policy before you drive!
Make sure that the insurance company is not going to drop you by taking away coverage for your vehicle. You can call them any time before you get in your wheelchair-accessible taxi to ask if the policy is still active for both liability and collision/comprehensive coverage on your Taxi/For-hire vehicle.
Make sure that your insurance agent has sent written confirmation of your increased TLC risk to the Company.
When this is completed you are all set to start driving! It is a lot of work, but it will be worth it in the end when you have your own business.
Materials or Products required for this job:
- TLC Wheelchair plate application form from the city agency
- Temporary paper license from DMV office.
How to do this job ( step by step) without missing any step:
- Get a DMV application form for TLC Wheelchair plates.
- Fill up all required information and submit it to the city agency.
- Wait for them to send you temporary paper license which is valid only in NYC area.
- Wait for your custom TLC Wheelchair plates to come in which will take up to a week.
- Maintain all required documents for TLC license purpose.
- Keep insurance policy active during this period.
Important Tips, tricks, and warnings if any about the job after step by step guide: – Call your insurer before driving. Make sure you are covered.
Important tips, tricks, and warnings: To renew your permit every year, you must go through the same steps mentioned above; however no inspection is required. An additional warning: If you do not renew your permit in time, you could be fined $100.
Enumerate every step by 1,2,3..
- Find out if your van is handicap accessible by calling or visiting a local government agency that gives out handicap licenses plates. If it does, get the van inspected and label it with tags.
- Visit any TLC licensing office and present your documents and tags. You will also need to fill out two forms: an Application for License Plate and an Application for Permit (available at TLC offices).
- Pay the state for a yearly permit and registration fee (available at TLC offices).
- Usually, there is an administration fee of $25 to deliver your plates and paperwork to your local DMV office and get them registered in the city’s computer system (available at TLC offices).
- Return to the DMV and get your plates registered.
- You must then pay a yearly renewal fee in order to keep license plates valid.
We are living in the 21st century. Cars, trucks and any other motor vehicle should be registered before its use for proper insurance, licensing, and safety purposes. Unfortunately, not all motorists are following this law.

This is why it is important to follow the rules because you could get pulled over by police without proper registration of your car resulting in heavy fines and/or confiscation of your car.
Getting TLC plates is one of the most popular methods used by vehicle owners who are not able to register their cars with the state DMV department because they failed to provide proper documents during the registration process.
Note: As you may know the different steps may change over the time. For update information visit tlc website here.