How to get rid of fruit flies Fast Overview

Materials or Products required
- a glass of water
- a piece of paper towel or tissue paper
- soapy water or apple cider vinegar.
(In case any other materials are required, they have been mentioned)
How to do this job ( step by step ) without missing any step.
1) First off get a glass and fill it with half with water and the other half with apple cider vinegar. Make sure both the sections are not mixed in the glass.
2) Now take a piece of paper towel and wet it thoroughly in that mixture and put that on an over-turned cup-like shown in the picture below. Make sure that is kept in such a way that flies cannot enter from anywhere except the top.
3) Now wait for some time say about half an hour or more depending upon the severity of fruit fly infestation in your house.
5) If any flies are caught, take them out carefully with a hand and water them in that glass of mixture. Be careful while removing the fruit fly from the trapped one because they might lay eggs in your hands when you touch them.
6) Repeat step
4 continuously until all the flies are gone.
Make sure to not move anything where you have kept trap initially because even a minimal disturbance will make a lot of difference.
- Make sure to carry out every step rigorously it won’t work properly .
Important tips and tricks about this job
- If you have a fly swatter then it will be better. But do not use hands to kill them .
Fruit flies have been considered a common pest for a very long time. They can be found in most areas of the world, and their numbers are increasing every year due to population growth and increased food supply availability.

Although fruit flies only cause irritation and nuisance at the beginning, they pose larger public health risks if not treated by professionals. So here we will talk about how to get rid of fruit flies fast
Step (1) Materials required:
The materials required for effective eradication of infestation include:
- A container that is wide enough to hold some water;
- Some vinegar or alcohol;
- Dish soap or hand soap;
- Fruit fly trap (can be also made with yeast and apple cider vinegar)
Step (2) Method:
- Take the container and fill it with water;
- Add some dish soap or hand soap to break the surface tension of the water;
- Then add equal amount (1/4 cup) of apple cider vinegar or white distilled vinegar;
- Next pour in some alcohol content about 80% concentration for increased effect. This is optional but advisable.
- The yeast fruit fly trap can be made by taking out one cup of warm water and adding 1 teaspoon of sugar and 1 teaspoon of dry yeast, stir until dissolved completely. Put this mixture aside until it becomes frothy on top after an hour or so. After that, put the entire mixture into a fruit fly trap container and secure the lid on top. If you see any signs of fermenting, do not worry; this is normal. The yeast will get rid of all the fruit flies in your home .
Step (3) Tips and Warnings:
- Do not pour mixture into open sink drain or near garbage disposal because both are likely to become clogged;
- Keep the traps away from children and pets;
- Make sure to use dish soap made for hand-washing dishes only because other types may contain harsh chemicals that can hurt people who touch them accidentally;
- Inform everyone in household that there is a potential hazard with using dish soaps formulated for hand washing dishware, but also inform them that it is necessary to get rid of the infestation.
- If you are following this guide via yeast trap method, ensure to dispose off all old traps after every 2 days or so because fermenting yeast creates alcohol which can be dangerous for humans if they drink it.
- Do not use vinegar near pets because it can be toxic;
- Keep away from children and pets to avoid ingestion.
Fruit flies have been a nuisance for a long time and their numbers seem to be increasing everywhere in the world. We hope this article provided some useful information on how to get rid of fruit flies fast by using homemade remedies based on common household items. Keep in mind that any type of fly trap should be disposed of off after two days to prevent accidental ingestion.
- Materials required: plastic cups, dish soap, sugar and yeast
- Mix a cup of warm water with a teaspoon of sugar and a teaspoon of dry yeast
- Let it sit for an hour or so until there is a layer of foam on the mixture’s surface
- Take some plastic cups, put around 1″ of the mixture into them and cover with coffee filter paper to keep fruit flies from escaping
- Place these cups where you have seen the fruit flies (all over your home)
. Materials required: A paper bag, apple cider vinegar or white distilled vinegar, dish soap
- Cut open a paper bag so that it becomes flat with no creases
- Pour some apple cider vinegar into the slice where the crease used to be (not too much)
- Using hand or dish soap, create enough foam at the so that it covers most of the surface area of the paper bag
- Fold the open end of the bag and stick it onto a wall (or background that is close to infestation) using tape or something similar
- Inside, place some apple cider vinegar so that there is at least 1/4″ inch of it. And let it go: fruit flies will be attracted to the smell and enter through this route only, not any other way .
- This method has been used for years by many people who wanted to get rid of fruit flies fast
- Make sure to dispose off old traps after every two days because they can ferment and create alcohol which can be dangerous for humans if consumed in large amounts.
Fruit flies are very common pests that can be found everywhere. They multiply quickly which makes them difficult to deal with. These remedies are very effective in getting rid of fruit flies fast.
I hope you enjoyed this article on how to get rid of fruit flies fast by making homemade traps with common household items. Keep them away from kids and pets
Fruit flies can destroy your fruits in very little time and it will really distress you. To get rid of fruit flies fast, follow the above-mentioned steps properly otherwise there is no fun in doing all this work for nothing!

You will surely see the difference after using vinegar due to its strong smell which attracts these fruit flies. Keep following these steps until all the infestation has been cleared from your house and enjoy eating healthy fruits.