How to do Laundry Overview
Laundry is the process of cleaning clothes using a machine. Today, people have turned to use machines to do their laundry because it is an easy way of doing things.

The laundry can be done in different ways and thus people have different products available in the market today for washing clothes.
- To begin with, you need to purchase a washing machine from any appliance shop near you or one that you purchase online depending on your convenience and preference.
- You then need to prepare some detergents that are commonly used during laundry such as fabric soap, bleach, starch, etc., which you can get at the supermarket.
- A separate bucket should also be prepared where you will place all these items so that they can be easily accessed when needed.
- You now need to put the dirty clothes in the washer and pour all the detergents you have prepared previously into it. 5. Then turn on the washing machine so that it can wash your clothes using water and soap or any other detergent depending on what type of laundry you are doing.
- Allow the washing machine to run for sometime, follow its set duration if you don’t know how long it should last for, based on the amount of load you placed inside it before starting it up.
- Once done with this process, empty out all these clothes from the washing machine and place them in a separate bucket where they will be drained (if applicable), wrung out (if applicable), and hung out to dry.
- Then repeat step 4 if you have more clothes to wash, but this time around, use the rinse cycle of the washing machine to pour water in it so that your clothes are clean enough with just water rather than soap or detergent.
- After this, place the wet clothes in a separate bucket where they are drained, wrung out, and hung up to dry until fully dry before being placed in their respective storage spaces for future use.
- Lastly, once all your laundry is done with drying up fully through hanging them on the line or using a drying rack, place them inside their respective designated cloth bags for storage purposes since these items may get dirty again in case you were carrying them around. [ARTICLE END]
Materials required
Detergents, a washing machine for carrying out laundry, a bucket to place all the detergents and other materials in before starting up the washing process of the clothes. Other essential items that may include a rug or a drying rack depending on how you want your clothes to dry up before being stored away from view.
How to do this job step by step without missing any step.
- Place all dirty clothes inside the washer
- Pour in soapy water or any other type of soap or detergent used during laundry
- Turn on the washing machine and wait for it to finish
- Wring out wet clothes before hanging them outside
- Pour water in the washing machine and run the rinse cycle
- Hang clothes outside to dry
- Place all clothes inside their storage cloths 8. Lastly, place your clothes in a designated storage space
Make sure to include some important tips, tricks, and warnings if any about the job after step by step guide.
- Do not overload your washer – do not use too much soap or detergent – follow what is written on your detergent bottle for reference purposes
- Make sure you hang up wet laundry facing down so that they can drip all the way rather than leaving them hanging vertically because this may cause colors of one article to bleed onto another article thereby making it look unpleasant [if applicable]
- Hanging clothes in direct sunlight can make your clothes fade overtime [if applicable]
- Air dry your clothes before ironing them because this will prevent water spots from appearing on the surface of your clothes
- Iron warm rather than hot [if applicable].
- Store your laundry goods away from children and pets
Make sure to enumerate every step.
- Purchase a washing machine and prepare some detergents
- Empty out dirty cloths and place inside washer
- Pour soapy water or any other type of soap or detergent
- Turn on washing machine and wait for it to complete
- Remove items after drying up fully
- Hang up wet clothing, facing down
- Place all wet cloths inside storage cloths
- Place storage cloths in designated space
- Iron clothes if applicable 10. Store away from children and pets [if applicable]

How to organize laundry
Material or Products required for this job:
- Laundry Room
- Clothing items [to be categorized according to color and type]
- Different colors of mesh sacks to separate clothes [which will contain one type of clothing item/color]
How to do this Job ( Step by step) without missing any steps? Organizing Laundry Step by step guide.
1) Take all your laundry items out of the basket, hamper or any container they are now in.
2) Separate each type of clothing item with a mesh sack so it could be properly sorted and folded.
3) Once you have done this separate them with their individual mesh sacks already filled within with clothes item/type per color mesh sacks…
4) Do not put rubber bands on the mesh sacks yet, because you will need to finish sorting your laundry first before putting rubber bands..Make sure to label the names of each mesh sack according to what it contains like jeans or dress shirt or pajamas.
Tips, tricks, and warnings
- Make sure to put rubberbands after you have folded your clothes neatly because putting rubber bands on already folded laundry will make it more likely for them to wrinkle. But if preferred you can also put the rubberbands first before folding clothes.
- Don’t sort or categorize your laundry by color is better to separate them by type of clothing item per mesh sack.
- If there are a lot of clutter in your area where sorting, organizing will be done consider doing this job at night when everyone’s asleep for less distraction and interruption or noise that might distract you from concentrating on the task at hand..
Organizing Laundry is a very tedious and daunting task for most especially if you have a lot of laundry items to sort or categorize. To make this job less of a hassle make sure to set aside an hour or two per week ( depending on the amount of clothes in your household.
Doing laundry is very crucial for every household, especially ones with kids or pets who are always making a mess everywhere they go or rooms that get filled with dust easily where having dirty clothes can be pretty obvious to guests coming over for house parties.

Having dirty clothing should not be an excuse because you can do your own laundry at home where there are few products required to complete this task, while also saving yourself the trouble of going down the street to rent out their laundries services where it might take hours depending on how big your load is of doing it by yourself.